Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Babies having babies

Tried to convince my middle son not to rush into realtionships time and time again
Unfortunatly didnt listen .
First of all the stayed at a memeber of the families house and before i knew it his girlfriend was pregnat
Neither one of them had jobs or a income .Needless to say i wasnt very happy with the circumstances
She and her parents were not speaking and hadnt spoke in 2 yrs she was staying with her aunt so i was told
to this day i still dont know
Anyways because i am a carring mother i took her in under my wing and supported both her and my son
I went to her DR. apointments i did everything for her durring her pregnancy and after
Finaly they got there own place and was on ontario works for a while .
All i got out of that was see we made it within a few months after that she started to work and my son stayed with the baby .I didnt agree with that neither because my sould lhave been working as well but whatever would work out
for them i was ok with i was still there to help in anyway i could .
She was pretty sore after working about a weak or  so she asked my son to pick her up some hydromorphs of course
what does he do and ended up relapsing himself .They ended up splitting up over a misunderstanding and our
whole family including the baby suffers for it .
I talked to both of them and said i will allways be there for both of them and told my son he needs to be aswell
to a point and he was
Neighbours call the childrens aid about her living arrangement and my son went up there and cleaned her apartment so she wouldnt lose there son Once she found out he was seeing someone she got pissed and decided he wasnt seeing the baby untill after they went to court for custody as a mother i understood her point they got that all straightend out started talking again
whenever she found herself in any trouble she would call my son and he would go up to her place to help
Then rumours started and she took it upon herself to stop the visits on her own so of course we go back to court to see what we could do needless to say nothing so i went and payed a lawyer $1100.00 to get his accsess back and again got screwed so i fired him but my mistake was getting our evidence back first because now we get the run around and screwed out of seeing the little boy wich is now turning 4 yrs old
My son couldnt get legal aid because he lives at home with me and his dad and she wanted him to have supervised visits when he has his son so we agreed ok whatever and thats not good enough now shes wants supervised visits by a worker because she didnt like the fact his girlfriend was here and her kids were playing
This whole situation pisses me off because she has gotten everything she wants plus some starts this court thing doesnt show up and because shes the mother she can do whatever she wants where or when does the father get rights

Friday, October 12, 2012

Frusterated mom

My family consists of 3 boy 2 grandchildren 2 dogs & 2 cats
Durring my childrens younger years before becomming teenagers
life was great i wouldnt say perfect but cant complain.
They were very respectfull,happy and ready to help anyone in need
All our expectations from our children was to repect people including us as parents and
go to school to beable to take care of themselves in the future.
Thats what they did up untill high school .
What a huge turn around .
I knew life would change to a point but theres changed dramitcly
They decided to start smoking of course i tried to discourage it didnt get me anywhere
so i dealt with it but they were not allowed to smoke in the house .
However that wasnt enough the started expermenting with drugs and alchol
since all that has started its became so nerve wrecking allthough
i can be happy there alive because of the extreme 2 of them went
Its so hard to believe what drug addiction can hounestly do to a family .
I have tried everything to make my children happy and still do it just isnt enough
The 21 yr old and the 18 yr old is living at home at the moment untill I figure out what to do
my strength is allmost at nill
They dont go to school or work and its a chore to get them to do anything around here unless there paid
neither one of them pays board neither .
Theyhave become very disrectfull to both me and there father
All 3 of them are extremely jelous of each other believe me this is rediculous they have allways been treated the same and i still try to my 29 yr old is upset because i cant reply to his messages right away and that his brothers lives at home rediculouse things like that .The other 2 yells and curses me because there pissed off at whoever
For some reason they think i can fix the world ya it feels great if it was for the right reason but nothing i do is good enough for any of them .I have been going through my kids dru issues for the past 15 yrs and now im at the point i cant handle it any more
I would apreciate it if anyone could give me suggestions on what to do I have stopped handing out money and told them there gonna have to leave but it seems like they let it go in one ear and out the other
Anyways i will go for now this breaks my heart thinking about it
we went from a loving family that backs each other up to hate each other mom can deal with it .