Monday, January 14, 2013

Fathers And The Court system

Today was another day at the courthouse for father and son access.
This has been going on now for 2 yrs where the mother screws the father and gets away with it .
There has been several court dates from the time this started and still going on.
The mother of the child has only shown up 2 for court and gets away with it because her lawyer
shows up however its happened so many times if the father doesnt show up the mother allways win her case how does that work
The father was allso refused legail aid do to the fact he atleast has accsess even though the mother is trying to take that away i cannot believe how this court system works its so unfare
Everytime we go to court they say to do something else mean while the mother started all this
because she was very angry so now the child and the father has to suffer and the courts seems
to think thats ok whatever happen to in the best interest of the child.
I think they should rephrase it to what moms want
I understand having supervised visits if its necessary but in this case it isnt
the mother just wants to be in control and doesnt want the father to have the bond he could have with his son it all comes down to jealousy
In the past 2yrs the father has tried to go infront of a judge and they allways find away to remand it and today basicaly told him he doesnt have a chance so what to do from there dont know
would love to have some advise

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